
7° Simposio Internazionale di Scultura su pietre del Friuli Venezia Giulia

Pietra Aurisina

Itinerari nel Rojale


Message of joy and light, hymn to 'love.
Female sinuosity is fueled by man's passion in a strong involvement of bodies.
Sometimes misunderstandings, generators of cuts, voids, wounds, seem to dematerialize the strength of the forms.
Only the awareness of the feeling brings back the exaltation of love... AL-ALAQ

Lara Steffe

Thamer Jusuf Humadi 

Thamer Jusuf Humadi was born in Baghdad and completed his studies here, earning his doctorate in Figurative Art at Baghdad University, where he is currently a professor and specializes in ceramic sculpture. His artistic collaborations led him to exhibit in Amman and Romania, and he is also a member of the University of Figurative Arts, the University of the Arts in Basra, and a member of the Iraqi Arts Union. From 1984 to 2003 he collaborated in the group exhibition in the Baghdad Artists Center.