Church of  San Marco Evangelista e San Tommaso Apostolo

Itinerari nel Rojale

The current church was built between 1800 and 1852. The neoclassical facade is divided into three sections by pilasters connected by a pediment with an oculus and a pinnacle cross. The linteled portal, located in the center, is surmounted by the archbishop's coat of arms made of metal.

The construction of the access staircase and the arrangement of the square came later.

On the left side of the church, there is an attached square-plan bell tower with a shaft featuring loopholes, string courses, and clock faces. The bell cell with round-arched single windows is topped by a square lantern replicating the single windows and a four-sided curved roof with a metallic apex element consisting of a cross with a flag, resting on overlapping ellipses.

The first documented chapel in 1360 became a sacramental chapel in 1463. It was expanded in 1504, as evidenced by the date carved on the lintel of the door leading to the sacristy, and enriched with artworks commissioned from prominent artists. Among them, Bernardino da Bissone, engaged in creating the facade of the cathedral in Tricesimo between 1498 and 1505, is believed to have had a workshop in Vergnacco. He left a portal as a gift to the church, but it was later sold to an antique dealer in 1889.

The church, covered by a decorated sail vault, features a modulated cornice that extends into the presbytery, resting on composite-style pilasters. Four rectangular windows above the cornice illuminate the nave. The cruciform-vaulted presbytery with a rectangular plan and chamfered corners is accessed via three steps and illuminated by two rectangular windows. The original balustrades have been removed and replaced with more recent wooden ones. On the left side of the presbytery, there is a door leading to the sacristy. The two side chapels flank the presbytery.

At the center of the nave, there are two entrance doors facing each other. Above the entrance, on the counter-facade, there is a gallery with a wooden structure and an organ.

The nave ceiling is vaulted with a sail design and decorations.

The flooring consists of polychrome marble slabs forming geometric patterns and bands.

Minor restoration works continued until the early 1900s when the church became a parish in 1906.