Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli

Itinerari nel Rojale

The votive chapel of Santa Maria degli Angeli dates back to 1460 and was likely commissioned by the Confraternity of the Madonna della Cintura, a thriving community in Reana at that time.

The facade, featuring a central rose window and topped with a tall biforate belfry, is preceded by a polygonal portico with columns set on low walls, covered by a wooden structure with five sloping sides and a terracotta tile roof.

The linteled entrance portal is flanked by square windows. The masonry consists of roughly squared stones with larger cornerstones, while only the facade is plastered.
The portal and the two side windows are rectangular and bordered in stone.

The interior is a single nave and on the right, it features a pointed-arch monofora in the nave and a rectangular small window in the apse, with a secondary entrance on the left.

The flooring consists of terracotta tiles.
The ceiling is exposed, with a wooden structure and terracotta tiles.
The square sanctuary is elevated by a step and includes an apse with a sail-like vault and ribbing.
The sacristy is located on the left side of the sanctuary.