Church of  Santa Maria "la Vecchia"

Itinerari nel Rojale

The church located in the center of the town of Ribis has been called "La Bella" for centuries, but since the 17th century, it has been known as "La Vecchia" to distinguish it from the Sanctuary of Santa Maria del Carmine, built in 1648.

The gabled facade features a linteled portal surmounted by a central oculus in carved stone. Traces of the slopes of a previous, smaller building can be seen. The church is documented since the 13th century but has even older origins. 

The eaves line is adorned with hanging terracotta arches.

The bell tower is a standalone tower with a shaft equipped with loopholes, horizontal demarcation frames, and a clock face. The bell chamber, with a square plan and double-lancet arches, has a four-sloped roof and an apex element consisting of metal cross and flag.

The interior is a rectangular nave with a roof supported by decorated wooden trusses.
The presbytery is covered by ribbed vaults, supported on stone corbels, converging into a starred rosette.
To the north, a small side chapel opens.
Unfortunately, the frescoes dated 1559, created by Giacomo Secante, known as Trombon, which adorned the vault and the facade of the choir, have been lost.