Di Giusto Mill in Valle and the Rojale Mills

Itinerari nel Rojale

Di Giusto Mill

The Di Giusto family has linked its history to the mill in Valle since 1585. Traditions handed down from father to son since its origins have allowed this mill to become one of the main producers of flour in the area, still processed according to artisanal methods.

It is the only mill still active in the municipality of Reana del Rojale. It is located on Via Segàt, and the name of the street recalls the name of the sawmill that was there before Molino Di Giusto began operations.Three channels can still be seen with associated mechanical wheels with decreasing diameters, which, once the residual motive power is harnessed, recompose the original flow.

The hydraulic technique adopted, the environment that adorns it, the rusting paddles that eternally persist in rotating, the wash houses still in use, and the manorial care, make the core known and visited by many people.

The Rojale Mills

The water of the irrigation ditch, used since ancient times for domestic purposes, allowed and encouraged the rise of numerous factories, whose machines were driven by hydraulic power.

Of all the craft workshops, the most important role was played by the mills. The development of the mill and water wheel had a decisive impetus immediately after the year 1000, and it is not incorrect to imagine the irrigation ditch dotted with mills, particularly numerous in the vicinity of inhabited areas, from the 13th century onward.

In addition to grinding grain, the water wheel was gradually used for other functions, such as fulling cloth, processing hemp and flax, tanning hides, sawing, and crushing minerals.

Along the course of the irrigation ditch, vestiges of some ancient hydraulic factories still remain. The irrigation ditch runs through and past the various hamlets, with their typical rural houses, churches, and bell towers.

The Roggia di Udine, from Zompitta, runs along the main streets of the villages, then connects south to Adegliacco, continuing through Molin Nuovo until it reaches Paderno and the city of Udine.

The Roggia di Palma, detached from the Udine ditch in the hamlet of Valle, in turn touches Rizzolo, San Bernardo, Godia and Beivars before reaching the city of Palmanova.

Along the main canal one can admire a number of isolated farmhouses in the countryside, such as Casa Minisini, south of Zompitta, which has preserved the characters of the local building tradition, the Brussolo Mill and Casali Cecut, south of Cortale, Casali Segat and the Di Giusto Mill in Valle, the old Battiferro La farie in Rizzolo, while along the Palma irrigation ditch, we find Casali Gentilini.