
13° Simposio Internazionale di Scultura su pietre del Friuli Venezia Giulia

Marmo Rosso Verzegnis

Itinerari nel Rojale


In Marcia's Flowers, we find inspiration in nature to convey the relationship between things, the continuity of evolution, and the harmonious interaction of forms.

Movement is derived from the cyclical rhythm and the balance of the whole. Symmetry and reflection allow the gaze to traverse an infinite movement, connecting us to the energy of nature, from which we learn to renew ourselves, grow, and understand.

Piera Sgiarovello

Marcia De Bernardo

Marcia De Bernardo is a Brazilian artist. She graduated in Design from the Federal University of Parana, Brazil, in 1994, and since the '90s, she has been delving into the sculptural language of stone. She participates in international symposiums and exhibits her sculptural works in various countries. She has numerous collective and solo exhibitions. Since 2001, she has been participating in and collaborating on editions of the Recycled Metal Workshop Orpec & Bonier in Brazil. In 2004, she organized the Stone Sculpture Workshop in Chavín de Huantar, in the Andes Mountains of Peru.