Natural artificial

10° Simposio Internazionale di Scultura su pietre del Friuli Venezia Giulia

Marmo Rosso Verzegnis

Itinerari nel Rojale


The proud heart of stone, torn from the rugged Carnic mountains of Verzegnis, bends to the will and skilled, gentle hand of the Sardinian artist, harmoniously united by the incessant flow of water that joyfully springs within.

Like in a Zen garden, the stone serves a symbolic function, reconnecting to the essence of nature but also to the continuity of the human experience over time.

Rossella Savorgnan Di Brazzà

Albino Demartis

Albino Demartis, born in Fordongianus (Oristano), where he still lives and works, cultivated a passion for stone carving from a very young age. This passion later became a source of both livelihood and inspiration for the sculptures he creates. In 1992, he participated for the first time in the Trachyte Stone Symposium in Fordongianus, and he was invited again in '95, '97, and 2000. Thanks to his technical skills, he has produced acclaimed works on a national level.