Church of Santi Ilario e Taziano 

Itinerari nel Rojale

The parish church of Rizzolo was built between 1855 and 1865, designed by architect-engineer Andrea Scala, with subsequent restoration work. The neo-Gothic style can be seen on the elevations, which feature terracotta arches and pointed arches that stand out against the white plaster of the walls.

The bell tower stands out in height and style, leaning against the apse of the church. The shaft has louvers, vertical pilasters, horizontal demarcation cornices and clock faces. The belfry opens with neo-Gothic mullioned windows with a trefoil arch.The octagonal drum is surmounted by a flat roof with spires at the corners. The pyramidal spire ends with a wrought-iron metal cross.

The construction of the bell tower, which began in the late 1800s with the excavation of the foundation and part of the plinth, has slowed down, remembered also by an epigraph on the south side of the tower.