The musical dawn

15° Simposio Internazionale di Scultura su pietre del Friuli Venezia Giulia

Pietra piasentina

Itinerari nel Rojale


Every sunrise bestows a sensation of infinite vibrations, like a music that repeats itself eternally and yet renews every day with unpredictable nuances. It is a music that becomes a woman, taking on a slender form, moved by the wind.

The abstract part merges with the figurative, just as the metal elements unite with the stone, which tells its story and guides the hand of the artist.Paola Pascoli and Piera Sgiarovello

Pilade Simonitto But

Pilade Simonitto But, born in San Daniele del Friuli, decides to pursue his passion for sculpture, which has captivated him for the past fifteen years, allowing him to experiment with various techniques and styles. His exhibition journey begins almost immediately; collective and solo shows provide him visibility not only in the region but also abroad.

Participation in stone and wood sculpture symposia enables him to encounter other cultures and internationally acclaimed artists. His works find a home in both public and private collections.