The wait

1° Simposio Internazionale di Scultura su pietre del Friuli Venezia Giulia

Pietra Piasentina

Itinerari nel Rojale


Rude and vitally simple modeling, adherence to images of everyday reality, and a playful and ironic interpretation ensure that this sculpture immediately blends into the landscape and gains the sympathies of the audience.

Boldly modeled, with robust cuts and strong chiaroscuro, this child waiting for the bus to return home from school is a brief folk tale created with great freshness in the type of stone that suits it best. The modeled figure and the support, intimately welded to each other, maintain the genuine strength of a piece extracted from the quarry.

Franco Maschio

Franco Maschio, with his passion and skills, has quickly established himself nationally and internationally. He was born in Majano (Udine), where he still lives and works. His first solo exhibition dates back to 1989, and since then, he has exhibited with increasing success, including in important art galleries in Italy, Germany, and the United States. He has also participated in various sculpture competitions, often winning the 1st prize.