To my father

10° Simposio Internazionale di Scultura su pietre del Friuli Venezia Giulia

Grigio carnico e Pietra piasentina

Itinerari nel Rojale


A subtle and almost imperceptible thread connects earth and sky, physical and intelligible substance: here is the human being. The moment when the body takes shape, the profound emotional, intellectual, and visceral passion informs itself, finding a physical place at the center of a protected and protective basin: the maternal womb and the seed of paternal conception, united together: an unconditional gift of opposites to the new life that emerges.

Elisabetta Milan

Lara Steffe

Lara Steffe was born in Cavalese (TN), and after her initial years of education in Trento, she graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Brera in 1997. She now resides in Moena (TN) and teaches painting disciplines at the "G. Soraperra" Art Institute in Pozza di Fassa (TN). Since 1991, she has exhibited in various collective and solo shows, and since 2004, she has participated in several wood and stone sculpture symposia. In 2005, she spent time in Ecuador, where she taught drawing and sculpture at the Technological Superior Intercultural Bilingual Institute of Isinlivì and created some sculptures for the Italian Embassy in Quito.