Chapel of San Carlo Borromeo

Itinerari nel Rojale

The small chapel, or semi-public oratory, dedicated to San Carlo Borromeo, is located in the village of Chiararis and is attached to a building.

 It is accessed through a narrow atrium with a round arch, in the right corner of which is embedded a stone holy water font with the engraved date 1702 and the initials P.L.F.On the roof, there is a small sail-shaped bell tower.

This church, commissioned by Don Carlo Luchini, a native of Qualso and the parish priest of Risano, was originally dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin, as indicated in a document from 1673. From the Pastoral Visit of 1736, it is learned that the title changed to that of San Carlo; probably the heirs, in memory of Don Carlo and knowing of his particular devotion to the said Saint, changed the title in remembrance of the benefactor who had wanted the church and placed a canvas depicting San Carlo on the altar, visible until the earthquake of 1976.

The original dedication of the building to the Virgin is also confirmed by a fresco depicting the Madonna with the Child and an apple in her left hand, found behind the wooden altar painted in faux marble, following the damage caused by the earthquake of 1976. The style suggests dating the work almost a century earlier than the construction of the oratory and leads to the thought of Gian Paolo Thanner as the author.