Church of Sant'Agnese

Itinerari nel Rojale

The chapel of Saint Agnes stands isolated in the plain of Grandins, a once marshy area. Around the chapel, dating back to a time before 1281, there was a small village of huts. Ettore di Savorgnano, lord of the Motta castle, had the chapel restored, obtaining its consecration and indulgences in 1330, as recorded in the Catapan of Qualso, October 23, 1330.

The village of Grandins was destroyed during the Turkish raid in 1477, and certainly, the chapel of Saint Agnes was damaged, as attested by the inscription on a column of the porch recalling its restoration in 1495 by the patron: MCCCCLXXXXV. SANDRE A TRIVIYAN A FATO FAR STO LAVOR.

The facade, surmounted by a single-lancet sail-shaped bell tower, is characterized by a linteled portal bearing the date 1723 (the year of renovation), with a rectangular window next to it. A portico supported by imposing columns is attached to the facade, set on the north and west sides on a low wall, supporting the roof with exposed wooden trusses, which continues seamlessly with that of the nave.

On the external wall, until a few decades ago, the figure of Saint Christopher, the patron saint of travelers, could be seen.

The single-nave building has rectangular plan and presbytery. The ceiling features exposed wooden trusses, while the presbytery is covered by a barrel vault and illuminated by a rounded arch window.