Jolie nuance

3° Simposio Internazionale di Scultura su pietre del Friuli Venezia Giulia

Pietra Piasentina

Itinerari nel Rojale


Elegance and ferocity, softness and aggression emanate from the entwined forms, culminating in a twist that channels the entire work into a defiant, spiky beak.

Smooth and rough surfaces alternate and complement each other, as the formless and soft mass unexpectedly gives birth to a refined, pointed hook that does not betray the overall sense of the sculpture. This particular and indefinable work possesses the sweetness of sentiment and the determination of an eagle.

Raffaella Robustelli

Raffaella Robustelli was born in Ravenna but currently resides in Verona. Painting and sculpture have always been the dominant interests in her life. After earning a degree in Economics and Commerce, she followed her true passion by enrolling in the Academy of Fine Arts in Verona. Simultaneously, she worked in several studios in Carrara, where she began her experience with marble, which later became all-encompassing.For years, she has exhibited in major Italian and international cities, establishing herself in various exhibitions, symposia, and competitions