New birth

2° Simposio Internazionale di Scultura su pietre del Friuli Venezia Giulia

Pietra Piasentina

Itinerari nel Rojale


A successful experiment forms the theoretical foundation of Hwang's sculpture, aiming to blend calculation and imagination, the power of numbers, and the strength of the spirit in the realm of art. The result is a hymn to nature, where rounded shapes open up to embrace water, the primary element that harmonizes well with the stone, through which a ray of sunlight filters to mirror, reflect, and refract.

Science and imagination marry seamlessly in this work, rooted in the pure philosophy of the East, where the body becomes spirit, and the spirit is made of body.

Seu Woo Hwang 

Seu Woo Hwang is originally from South Korea. In '79, he graduated from the Art High School, and in '84, he earned a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts from Young-Nam University. He began exhibiting his works in his homeland but soon moved to Italy, achieving increasing success. He has already participated in numerous symposiums and art fairs in Italy, South Korea, Israel, often earning top positions.